Friday 16 December 2016

Missed by me, missed by you.

Hi  Fellas,

This is my first blog post. I have tried to share some philosophy on life. Nobody is perfect so any suggestions on improvement are welcomed. Hope you enjoy reading  :) .

" You only live once but if you do it right, once is enough." - Mae West

There are people who you meet for a reason and there are a few who are your reason to be. Life plays dramatically. At once, one is surprised by the way it offers you ecstasy and on the other it gives you the smokes of an incomplete end.

Everyone has to leave us one day but why they stayed is an important question to be answered. I stay because it gives me immense pleasure to be in a company where the thoughts are shared and there is an urge and effort of being understood. Understanding self doesn't always suffice. Others understanding us also contributes to our characteristics at times when we fail to understand ourselves.

Each breath is a difficult sigh of realization; that the world always pities instead of relieving the pain, instead of being ears to one's blues, instead of emphatically supporting the other of the same kind(human). Why is it difficult to speak out who you are? I have met millions in one but not even one.

If only there had been one human, could he have stayed,walked,lived alone but instead he is tied with many rusted strings of relationships only to leave this world alone one day. In this myriad of personas, one is poor in it's own kind. Two hands but none to hold the others',two eyes but they seek no light but the dark, two ears not to hear one's self and one heart just to pump blood, not own. So many disconnections... So many! So much of fire and so many cracks (heartbreaks).

'I' miss that hand that caressed till the sleep, the hand that held till eternity, those ears that heard without a pause, without unhearing even once, eyes that only saw internally and that heart that loved selflessly. I eat and drink to live the life initially endowed to me- a life without hopes, without dreams, without love and without you! 

The HEART aches. The HOPES pain. The WILL bleeds and 'I' die. I am missed by me...missed by you.