Tuesday 20 February 2018

Two loves of my life!

Friends, support, strength, love..?No. I am not talking about any person over here. I am talking about my dogs, two souls certainly better than humans.

I have learnt a lot from these creatures. How to be selfless, how to forget and move on, how to be loyal, how to be giving even if you get nothing in return and most importantly, how to love unconditionally. One can learn myriad of things from the loved ones like them. They have been my strength and support in all my happy and low moments. They never left me alone at the times of need. How lucky I am to have encountered all the happiest moments with them and how blessed I am to have been a part of their lives.

People come and go, everything has an end. Treasures like these are not to be forgotten but to be kept alive, till eternity. They were animals in the eyes of everyone and practically- they are! But for me, Jubee and Dinny were two souls who came to my life in a different form, taught me lessons for life. They are not alive, but they exist everywhere in me.

I have many memories with them. I need nothing else to cheer me up, I just close my eyes and rewind the time spent together. The happiness just trickles down my cheeks when, in my imagination, they try to snatch a toy from my hands, shudder me down requesting me to play with them, waking me up shaking me up until I am dead-awake or ensuring me that they are there by sitting as close as they can to validate their presence.

What more can I get from life, what else can I get from time. Such beautiful and precious time I spent with two lovelies, an invaluable gift. I wish I go back in time and relive these moments of reality. I am sure all of you who have experienced the same would be able to relate. It certainly ain't a sad story. I have two more loves of my life , two sons of Jubee (Rambo and Dinnu) who are keeping this relationship alive. I see both in them. It feels great!

Being human, I have learnt not to live with things that bring you down , instead try to have a company that brings you up, that brings the real human in you,  that cares for you, support you and make you happy.

...Like two loves of my life- Jubee and Dinny. till Eternity!

I just want to say, where ever you are , that you are there in my heart, forever. I remember you and always will. I will never leave you alone like you never did. I just wish that you rest in peace and if you are alive, you get to stay with people warmer than us. Amen.

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